How To Wash Polyester Pillows 🧺

Some people want to sleep on a soft pillow, but they might be allergic to down or other natural fillings. Polyester-filled pillows are a great alternative. They are hypoallergenic, less expensive, and easy to take care of. They also come in various sizes and are covered with different fabrics. You can find different shapes, and there is a polyester pillow for everyone. The important thing is to know how to wash your polyester pillow so that it lasts and holds its shape.

You can wash your polyester pillow in warm water with a mild detergent in the washing machine. It is important to use the gentle cycle, and then you can air dry it on a clothesline or place it in the dryer on a low heat setting. Once your pillow is dry, fluff it, and it is ready for use.

Take a look at some tips on how to take care of your polyester/synthetic pillows so that they last and keep their shape.

How Often Should You Wash Your Polyester Pillow?

As long as you use a pillow cover and a pillowcase, you won’t need to wash your pillow more than one or two times a year. If you spill something or there is an accident, you may want to wash it, and you should wash your pillow cover and your pillowcase regularly.

When you do wash your pillow, make sure that you check it for any tears or holes so that you can repair them before you wash it. Otherwise, the fill in your pillow will end up all over the washing machine.

Be Sure to Wash Your Pillow Covers and Pillowcases Regularly

Your pillow cover and pillowcase will protect your pillow from dirt and sweat. Most people don’t realize that when they sleep, a mixture of sweat and particles from cleaning products sweep into the pillowcase and pillow cover. If they aren’t removed and cleaned regularly, they will make their way to the pillow itself.

You should wash your pillowcase once a week and the pillow covers once a month. You can wash these items in hot water with mild detergent, and then you won’t need to wash your pillows more than one or two times a year.

Treating Stains on Your Polyester Pillow

If you find a stain on your pillow, you need to treat it. You can use a stain remover, or you can take a detergent with low-sudsing properties, such as Tide or Persil, and treat the stain. These products have enzymes that will work to remove the stain. Apply the detergent with a soft brush or clean cloth, and let it sit for 15 minutes before you wash the pillow.

When you are treating the stain, you should dip the brush or the clean towel in warm water and then dip it in the detergent. You can blot the stain first and then gently rub the stain in a circular pattern until the stain starts to lift. Then you can let it sit until you place it in the wash.

Washing Your Polyester Pillow

When you are ready to wash your pillow, you need to start by choosing the right setting on your washing machine. You can use cold or warm water, but do not use hot water. Then make sure that you are using a gentle detergent, and choose the gentle cycle.

You should run the pillow through and include a second rinse to make sure that there isn’t any detergent left on the pillow.

How you load the machine depends on what type you have. If you have a washer that opens on top, you should always wash two pillows together to balance the machine. You can add some towels to keep the machine evenly balanced if you only have one.

If you have a front-load washing machine, you can add a couple of towels if you want to, but you can wash a pillow by itself.

Drying Your Polyester Pillow

You can dry your polyester pillow in the dryer, or you can air dry it on a clothesline. Before you add the pillow to the dryer, make sure that you fluff it. Then you can add clean tennis balls or wood dryer balls. You can also place clean canvas shoes in the dryer. This will help break up any clumping inside the pillow.

Set your dryer on low or medium heat, and dry the pillow for 15 minutes at a time. At the end of each 15-minute cycle, take the pillow out and fluff it again. It takes longer to dry your pillows in the dryer, but it is important to make sure that your pillow retains its form.

You can also air-dry your pillow. If you plan to air dry your pillow, try to wash it on a sunny day with low humidity. Then fluff the pillow before laying it on a flat surface outside. You can also hang it from a clothesline. If you lay it on a flat surface, make sure that you turn it so that it dries completely.

How to Store Polyester Pillows

If you have polyester pillows that you aren’t using, it is important that you store them properly. Although polyester pillows are resistant to insects and mildew, you should store them in a cotton bag or a plastic storage container when you aren’t using them.

Be sure to wash your pillow before you store it to remove any dirt, sweat, or oils that can attract insects. You should also make sure that it is completely dry before you place it in a container.

How to Spot Clean the Polyester Pillow Between Washings

If you see any small stains between washings, you can spot treat them. Take a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing soap and mix it with two cups of warm water. Then you can use a clean cloth towel and blot the stain gently. Start at the outside and gently blot it, moving towards the center. The stain will lift off the pillow and onto the cloth, so make sure that you use clean areas on the cloth towel as you blot.

When you finish removing the stain, you should take a clean area of the towel and blot the spot to remove any remaining soap. Make sure that you air dry the towel before you put it away. You can also use a hairdryer on cool, or you can place it in the dryer on low heat.

How to Fluff Your Polyester Pillow

After you use a pillow for a while, the filling can flatten, which means that it won’t offer you the support you need. When you keep them fluffy, you ensure that your back and neck are receiving the support they need to stay comfortable and healthy. There are several different ways to fluff your pillows. Try any of the following.

1. Fluffing with Your Hands

It is easy to use your hands to fluff your pillows. You can put the pillow in your lap and then repeatedly push the center in and out for 30 seconds. Make sure you do the long and the short sides. You can also hit the center to expand the fill. Put the pillow on your bed, and punch the pillow until you see it puff up again.

Another technique is to massage the pillow. If you have lumps in your pillow, this is a great way to break them up. Find the lumpy areas in the pillow and massage them. Keep going until you break off the pieces, and they will spread out evenly throughout the pillow.

2. Fluffing with the Dryer

If you don’t have time to fluff your pillow by hand, you can use the dryer. Make sure that you place two pillows in the dryer, and use a tennis ball that is clean or dryer balls to work out the lumps. You should use a setting that has no heat or low heat.

You can take the tennis ball and place it in a sock. Your tennis ball is hard enough to break up any lumps in the pillow. Placing it in a sock will ensure that it doesn’t leave any scent or residue on the pillow.

If you don’t have a tennis ball, you can use other objects. You can roll an old t-shirt up into a ball, or you can use a stuffed toy. Just make sure that any object you use is safe to use in the dryer.

3. Outdoor Fluffing

Some people like to fluff their pillows outside to air them out. This is a great way to get rid of bacteria and bad smells. Your pillow could smell musty if it has been a while since you washed it. Make sure that you do it on a nice day when it is sunny and dry. You don’t want to do it when there is too much humidity in the air.

You can fluff your pillow outside and then place it on a flat surface in the sunlight or hang it on a clothesline. The fresh air will help separate the pieces that are clumping inside and freshen up your pillow.

When Should You Replace Your Polyester Pillow?

Polyester pillows can last anywhere from six months to two years, depending on the quality. If you don’t use them all the time, they can last longer.

There are signs that let you know that it is time to replace your pillow, including the following:

  • It is dirty and full of lumps that you can’t fix
  • You wake up with a stiff neck every morning
  • You wake up with a headache
  • It is flat and won’t fluff up
  • You wake up congested or sneezing

Many people avoid getting rid of their favorite pillows, but your pillow needs to perform an important function. It provides you with support so that your spine and neck are properly aligned. You can try to flood your pillow in half, and if it doesn’t spring back to its original position, you might need to replace it.

Even if you wash your pillow and do what you can to keep your pillow clean, it will get dirty over time. You may not realize it, but overnight, your body deposits sweat, skin cells, and oils on the pillow. It also accumulates dust, dust mites, drool, makeup, deposits from skincare and hair products, and other allergens.

Eventually, you need to replace your pillows because these particles get stuck in them, and you can’t wash them out. You may not even see them, but the particles and deposits can cause acne and other skin irritations.

What Can You Do with Your Old Pillows?

You might be tempted to donate your old pillows, but they probably won’t take them. There are a lot of prohibited items, and used bedding and pillows are usually a part of it. You can donate them to animal shelters, or you can repurpose them at home.

One option is to make throw pillows or floor cushions out of them. You can buy some material and cover them or find a premade cover. You can also make pet beds out of them. Some people save them to use as moving materials to protect their fragile items. There are many ways that you can reuse your old pillows.

Final Thoughts

Polyester pillows are a great option for many people, especially if they are allergic to down or other feather fillings. They are easy to take care of and wash, but you need to know the best way to do it. Make sure that you use a pillow cover and pillowcase to protect your pillow, and this will also extend its useful life.

You can wash polyester pillows in the washing machine with warm water and mild detergent. Make sure that you use the gentle cycle. When you dry the pillow, choose a no heat setting for the dryer, or stick it outside on a warm, sunny day. This will leave your pillow smelling fresh and clean.


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