Why Do Pillows Have Tags? 🛏️ (We Find Out)

Chances are, you might not have thought twice about the tag (label). But it’s important to know that a pillow is a product that lasts for years, so it needs some sort of identification to help keep track of its warranty or guarantee, what it’s made of, and how to wash it. But it’s also illegal for manufacturers to remove the tags before the sale. This article will also explain why. 

It’s illegal for manufacturers to remove the tags from pillows before they’re sold. But what’s the reason behind this law? Why are tags on pillows so important in the first place?

Tags on pillows serve as a form of identification for the product. They list things such as the pillow’s warranty or guarantee, what it’s made of, how to wash it, and more. This information is critical for consumers, as it can help them determine whether a pillow is the right fit for them and also whether it’s been made with safety in mind. 

Tags Warn Consumers of Potential Allergens

One of the most important functions of pillow tags is to warn consumers about potential allergens. Many pillows are made with materials such as down or feathers that can cause allergic reactions in some people. By including a tag that lists these allergens, manufacturers can ensure that consumers are aware of the risks before making a purchase. 

When it comes to allergens, down and feathers are some of the most common offenders. That’s why many pillow tags list these materials as potential allergens. By knowing about these risks before making a purchase, consumers can make an informed decision about whether a particular pillow is right for them.

Allergic reactions to down and feathers can be quite severe, so it’s important for consumers to be aware of the risks before buying a pillow. If you’re someone who suffers from allergies, be sure to read the tag carefully to see if a particular pillow contains any allergens that could cause a reaction.

Tags Help Keep Track of Warranties and Guarantees

Another important function of pillow tags is to help keep track of warranties and guarantees. Many manufacturers offer these types of coverage in case something goes wrong with the product. If a pillow tag is lost or damaged, it can be difficult for consumers to file a claim or get replacement coverage. 

Tags Provide Washing Instructions 

In addition to listing potential allergens, tags also provide instructions on how to wash the pillow and care for it. This is important because pillows can harbor dust mites, bacteria, and other harmful organisms if they’re not properly cleaned. By following the instructions on the tag, consumers can help keep their pillows clean and safe to use. 

The tag on your pillow is important for a few reasons. Not only does it identify your pillow and list its warranty or guarantee information, but it also provides washing instructions. Many people throw their pillows in the washing machine without reading the tag, which can ruin their pillow. The tag will tell you how to wash your pillow and what kind of detergent to use. It’s important to follow these instructions, so you don’t damage your pillow.

Tags Provide a List of Materials Used

One of the lesser-known functions of pillow tags is that they often list the materials used in the pillow. This is important for a few reasons. For one, it can help consumers determine if a particular pillow is made with materials that they’re allergic to. It can also help you figure out how to clean your pillow. 

Many pillow tags list the materials used in the pillow, including things such as down, feathers, and cotton. If you’re looking for a specific type of pillow, be sure to read the tag carefully to see if it contains any allergens. You can also use this information to determine whether a certain pillow has been made with safety in mind. 

Tags Track Product Recalls

Tags on pillows also serve as a way to track product recalls. If a pillow is found to have a safety issue, the manufacturer can use the tag to quickly locate and recall all affected products. This is an important measure to take to protect consumers from potentially dangerous products. 

Why Do Pillows Have So Many Tags?

Pillows have a lot of tags because they serve many important functions. From listing allergens to providing washing instructions, these tags are essential for ensuring that consumers can use pillows safely and effectively. So, the next time you’re wondering why your pillow has so many tags, just remember that they’re there for a reason! 

The Tags for Care

The tags for care are important because they provide information on how to take care of your pillow properly. By following the instructions on the tag, you can help keep your pillow clean and free of allergens.

The tag will tell you how to wash your pillow and what kind of detergent to use. It’s important to follow these instructions, so you don’t damage your pillow.

These tags are usually made from a softer, silkier material because they’re expected to stay on the pillow and last for the duration of the pillow’s life. 

The Legal Tags

The legal tags are those that manufacturers are required by law to place on a product before it’s sold. These tags list information such as the product’s name, contact details for the manufacturer, and any applicable safety warnings.

It’s illegal for manufacturers to remove these tags before the sale. By law, they must remain on the product until it’s been used or disposed of. This is to ensure that consumers have access to important safety information about the product. 

Pillows are an important part of our everyday lives, but many of us don’t think twice about the tags that are attached to them. 

Is it Illegal to Remove the Tags on Pillows?

All pillows have tags. You might not have thought twice about it, but it’s an important part of the product. Pillow tags serve a few different purposes: they identify the pillow, list its warranty or guarantee, indicate what the pillow is made of, and provide instructions for washing it.

Removing the tag from a pillow before buying it is illegal in the United States. The government requires all manufacturers to place tags on their products that include information about the product’s warranty or guarantee and the materials used in the pillow itself. This helps ensure that consumers can access this information if they need to easily.

Why Is it Illegal to Remove Pillow Tags?

There are a few reasons why it’s illegal to remove the tags from pillows before you buy them. Consumers need to have access to information about the product’s warranty or guarantee. If something goes wrong with the pillow, they need to be able to find out how to get it fixed or replaced easily.

Additionally, it’s illegal to remove tags from products before the sale because it can be deceptive for consumers. When shoppers see a tag on a product, they expect that all of the information listed on it is accurate. If a tag has been removed or altered, it can be difficult or impossible for consumers to figure out what they’re buying.

Ultimately, removing pillow tags is illegal because it’s important for consumers to have access to accurate information about the products they’re buying. Tags provide a quick and easy way for shoppers to learn more about a product before purchasing.

In the early 20th century, pillow and mattress manufacturers (and many, many other industrial manufacturers) weren’t held accountable for the safety of the products they were selling—or anything for that matter. 

They would often cut corners to increase profit margins, stuffing pillows and mattresses with used clothing, horsehair, and even corn husks. They assumed nobody would know because who cuts into their own mattress? It turned out that their sleazy plans didn’t pan out, as many customers reported serious defects, pests, and illnesses from sleeping on top of decomposing garbage. 

After the government caught wind of reports that people were getting sick from pillows and mattresses, they drafted and passed legislation that holds manufacturers more accountable for their products, requiring that they provide tags that list in detail every material that the pillow or mattress contains. This is why it’s now illegal to remove pillow tags—to ensure that consumers have accurate information about what they’re buying.

As you can probably imagine, some manufacturers went under, as they couldn’t uphold ethical standards and stay afloat financially, so in the end, the good guys won.

So, next time you go pillow shopping, check the tag for all the necessary information! It could save you a lot of trouble down the road.

Will I Get in Trouble for Removing My Pillow Tag?

This crosses most people’s minds when they read the tags on their pillows. Interestingly enough, it’s the reason why they leave them on. The simple fact is that there aren’t pillow police out to get those who dare to cut the tags off of their pillows. You won’t face jail time, a fine, or even a slap on the wrist. 

Unless you plan to open up a pillow store and sell them without tags, you will be fine. The only time you might run into some trouble is if you return a pillow to a store without the tag intact, and they refuse to take it back. You might have trouble returning the pillow itself anyway. Most people don’t want to purchase a pillow that’s been used, so shops often don’t take them back. 

However, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes, if the pillow hasn’t been used at all, there’s a chance that the store will accept a return and issue a refund. Sometimes stores will accept the return, issue the refund, and destroy the pillow. This preserves their ethical integrity and promotes good business practices. Not all stores operate this way, though. The bottom line here is that if you remove your pillow tag, you won’t get in trouble—nobody cares. If you own a pillow store and try to sell that pillow without a tag, you’ll probably get into some pretty serious trouble. 

It’s just a tag. If you use a pillowcase, you’ll hardly even notice it’s there. But if that thing drives you crazy, there’s no harm in cutting it off. 

How to Remove Pillow Tags

If you’ve decided that the tag on your pillow has got to go, there are a few ways that you can remove it without ruining your pillow. 

The first way is to cut it off with a pair of scissors. This is probably the most common method, as it’s quick and easy. Just be careful not to damage the fabric of the pillowcase or the pillow itself. 

Another way to remove the tag is by burning it off with a lighter. Be very careful if you decide to take this route, as you don’t want to set your pillow on fire. Hold the flame close to the tag until the string burns through, then carefully snuff out the end. 

You can remove the care tags if they still get in the way; just make sure that you keep them in a safe place so you can remember how to clean your pillow properly when the time comes!

Final Words

Pillows have tags for a variety of reasons. The most important reason is that it’s required by law. This helps ensure that consumers have accurate information about the products they’re purchasing. You won’t get into trouble for removing the tag from your pillow, but it’s essential to keep them in a safe place so you can remember how to care for your pillow later on down the road properly!


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