Betterhelp Vs Amwell ⚖️ Which One Is Better?

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Mental health is a critical component of overall health and well-being, but accessing mental health services can be difficult and expensive for many people. This is especially true if you live in a rural area or don’t have insurance. Luckily, there are now many online mental health services that provide affordable and effective care. In this article, we will compare Betterhelp and Amwell to help you decide which one is best for you!

Betterhelp Vs Amwell ⚖️ Which One Is Better?

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Why Online Mental Health Services?

There are a number of benefits to using online mental health services instead of traditional in-person therapy. One of the most obvious advantages is convenience. With online therapy, you can access mental health care from anywhere in the world, at any time of day or night. This is especially beneficial for those who live in rural areas or who have busy schedules that make it difficult to find time to see a therapist in person. 

In addition, online therapy is often more affordable than traditional therapy, as it eliminates the need to pay for transportation and childcare. Finally, online therapy offers a degree of anonymity that can be helpful for those who feel uncomfortable discussing personal issues in person. 

Whether you’re looking for convenience, affordability, or privacy, online mental health services may be the right choice for you. Still, there are a growing number of online mental health services available, and it can be hard to decide which is best for your specific needs. 

What is Betterhelp?

Betterhelp is a leading online mental health service that offers users a convenient and confidential way to connect with a licensed therapist. Betterhelp therapists are available 24/7, and all sessions are conducted online via text, phone, or video chat. Betterhelp users can expect to receive personalized care and treatment plans that are based on their individual needs. 

In addition, Betterhelp offers a wide range of resources and support services, including a comprehensive FAQ section, live chat support, and a community forum. With its dedication to providing quality care and its commitment to customer satisfaction, it’s no wonder that Betterhelp is one of the most popular online mental health services.

What is Amwell?

Amwell is an online mental health service that offers counseling and therapy from licensed professionals. It is a convenient and confidential way to get the help you need when you need it. You can schedule appointments, chat with your therapist, and even have video sessions – all from the comfort of your own home. 

You can be assured that you’re getting high-quality care. If you’re struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues, Amwell can help. With convenient access to counseling and therapy, it’s easy to get the support you need to feel better.

How Does Betterhelp Work?

When you sign up for Betterhelp, you answer a series of questions about your struggles and behaviors and are matched with a licensed therapist who specializes in the issues you’re facing. You can communicate with your therapist through text, audio, or video messaging, and you can schedule appointments that fit your schedule. 

Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, relationship issues, or anything else, Betterhelp can help you make progress towards your goals. Plus, if at any time you feel like you need to switch therapists, you can do so without any hassle. Betterhelp makes it easy to get the help you need so that you can live a happier and healthier life.

How Does Amwell Work?

Amwell is an online therapy service that offers convenient and affordable access to mental health care. The service provides people with the ability to connect with a therapist from the comfort of their own home, using their computer or mobile device. When you sign up for Amwell, you create a profile and choose a therapist that you would like to work with. Then, you can schedule sessions with your therapist at times that are convenient for you. 

During each session, you and your therapist will discuss your progress and goals and work together to develop a treatment plan. In between sessions, you can log into your account to message your therapist, chat with other members of the Amwell community, or access resources and information about mental health. Amwell offers a confidential, convenient, and affordable way to get the mental health care that you need.

What Are the Benefits of Betterhelp?

Betterhelp is a popular online counseling platform that offers many advantages over traditional in-person therapy. For one, it is more convenient, as you can access Betterhelp from anywhere with an internet connection. This can be especially beneficial for people who have busy schedules or live in remote areas. 

In addition, Betterhelp is often more affordable than in-person therapy, as it does not require travel costs or expensive appointments. Finally, Betterhelp provides a wider range of services than in-person therapy, such as text-based counseling and online courses. As a result, it is an ideal option for people who are looking for flexible, affordable, and comprehensive counseling services.

Betterhelp Benefits:

  • The ability to connect with a licensed therapist from the comfort of your own home
  • A wide range of resources and support services
  • 24/7 access to care
  • Affordable and flexible pricing
  • A commitment to customer satisfaction

What Are the Benefits of Amwell?

Amwell is a telehealth provider that offers online therapy services. There are many benefits to using Amwell over traditional in-person therapy, including convenience, flexibility, and cost. With Amwell, you can see a therapist from the comfort of your own home at a time that works for you. You don’t have to take time off work or arrange for childcare. 

You can also choose from a wide range of therapists with different specialties and areas of expertise. And because Amwell doesn’t require you to pay for office space or overhead costs, it’s often more affordable than in-person therapy. Additionally, Amwell accepts insurance coverage from several different providers, and you can also be prescribed medication if you are in need of it. 

This makes Amwell a great option for those with insurance who are looking for an affordable option with the potential of having your medication costs covered too. If you’re looking for a convenient, flexible, and affordable way to see a therapist, Amwell is a great option.

Amwell Benefits:

  • You can see a therapist from the comfort of your own home
  • A wide range of therapists to choose from
  • Affordable and flexible pricing
  • Accepts some insurance plans
  • Offers prescription medication services 
  • Choose your own therapist 

How to Sign Up

If you’re interested in signing up for Amwell, you can do so by visiting their website and creating an account. Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to choose a therapist, schedule appointments, and begin your journey to better mental health.

Signing up for Betterhelp is just as easy. Simply visit their website and create an account. You will answer a series of questions about yourself and will be given a selection of therapists to choose from, depending on who they have available, based on your specific needs. Once you have chosen a therapist, you can schedule appointments and start making your way toward better mental health. 

What Are the Differences: Betterhelp vs. Amwell

While both Betterhelp and Amwell offer convenient, affordable, and flexible online therapy services, there are some key differences between the two. Both services offer a wide range of resources and services, including text-based counseling, online courses, and a commitment to customer satisfaction. However, Betterhelp offers nearly the same services at a much lower price. 

With Betterhelp, you can meet with a therapist once per week for as little as $60 per meeting. This is far more affordable than traditional therapy sessions, which can cost hundreds of dollars depending on who you see. The starting price to use Amwell’s online therapy services starts at $109, which is still much less than most traditional therapy sessions. 

While the price difference may initially deter many from using Amwell and going for Betterhelp, Amwell’s many insurance partners may sway you back towards Amwell. As you probably already know, access to good mental health care is limited, but Amwell is working to open the doors to mental health care for everyone. Amwell accepts insurance coverage from several different providers, so you may be able to save even more. Unfortunately, Betterhelp does not accept insurance, so everything will have to be paid out of pocket, which is a fair trade-off for a lower-priced service. 

Here is a quick breakdown of some of the key differences between Betterhelp and Amwell:

Price$60 per session$109 per session
Easy to Use✔️✔️
Mobile App✔️✔️
Accepts Insurance✔️
Available from Anywhere in the U.S.✔️✔️
Available Internationally ✔️
Offers Prescriptions✔️
Also Offers Medical Doctor Visits✔️
Age Range13+18+
Covers Wide Range of Mental Health Issues✔️✔️
Offers Sliding Scale Therapy✔️

Ease of Use

Both Amwell and Betterhelp are easy to use and offer a variety of resources to help you on your journey to better mental health. To sign up for either service, simply create an account on their respective websites. From there, you’ll be able to find a therapist, schedule appointments, and begin your journey toward better mental health. 

Therapist Selection

Selecting a good therapist is never an easy task. For one, you can’t tell if someone will be helpful to you by reading an online bio and reviews. Every person is different. In most cases, you can’t even tell if a therapist is helping you by the end of several sessions. This makes finding the perfect therapist for you somewhat of a nightmare. Your mental health is a priority, so finding a good therapist is crucial. 

Both of these platforms give you some flexibility in finding a therapist to suit your needs, but they differ slightly. When you sign up for Betterhelp, you go through the process of filling out their questionnaire, which gives Betterhelp the information they need to match you with a therapist (or multiple therapists to choose from). When you sign up for Amwell, you aren’t matched with a therapist unless you fill out their questionnaire. Otherwise, you are free to browse their therapist directory, and select one that you feel will best meet your needs. 

On Betterhelp, you don’t have the option to browse a directory, but you can privately request a new therapist through their customer service desk or request a specific therapist for your needs. 

In either case —whether you choose Amwell or Betterhelp— you won’t be stuck with whoever their algorithm gives you, which makes finding a good therapist that much easier. 

Customer Service

If you’re like most people, the idea of talking to customer service is daunting. We’ve all been on hold for what feels like an eternity, only to be transferred five times and end up back where we started. 

The good news is that both Amwell and Betterhelp have excellent customer service teams that are quick to respond to any questions or concerns you may have. 

Access to Medication 

If you’re in need of medication, Amwell is the better option. While Betterhelp may have some psychiatrists on staff, they do not prescribe medication, as Betterhelp’s aim is to care for mental health with various forms of talk therapy rather than medication. If you’re in need of medication, Amwell will be able to connect you with a psychiatrist who can help. 


As we mentioned before, the price difference may initially deter many from using Amwell and going for Betterhelp. However, Amwell’s many insurance partners may sway you back towards Amwell. 

Betterhelp Pros and Cons

Now that we’ve looked at some of the key differences between Amwell and Betterhelp, it’s time to look at each service. 

Quality care from licensed counselors and therapistsIt doesn’t accept insurance
Matched with a therapist based on your needsNo access to medication
Live video sessionsNot all therapists offer instant messaging
Available internationally 
Flexible scheduling
Free trial and Sliding Scale Pricing

Amwell Pros and Cons

Quality care from licensed counselors and therapists Only available in the United States
A variety of mental health services are available No free trial period
Live video sessionMust pay out-of-pocket without insurance 
Accepts insurance 
Access to medication 
Flexible scheduling 


Both Amwell and Betterhelp are great platforms that provide quality mental health care access. The decision of which one to choose ultimately comes down to your needs and preferences. Amwell is the better option if you require medication, as Betterhelp does not prescribe medication. However, if you’re looking for a more affordable option, Betterhelp may be better, as Amwell does not have a free trial period. Ultimately, the decision is yours. Whichever platform you choose, you’ll be getting quality care from licensed counselors and therapists. 


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