BetterHelp Vs Calmerry ⚖️ Which One Is Better?

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Mental health is a topic that is often overlooked, but it is important to talk about. Millions of people suffer from mental health issues every year, and many of them do not receive the help they need. If you are one of those people, or if you know someone who is struggling, you may be wondering which mental health service is right for you. In this article, we will compare BetterHelp and Calmerry to help you make the best decision possible.

Betterhelp compared to Calmerry on two phones

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What Is BetterHelp?

BetterHelp is an online counseling service that connects people with licensed therapists. It offers a convenient and confidential way to get professional help without leaving home. BetterHelp offers various tools to help people in their mental health journey, including an assessment test, articles, and resources, live chat and messaging, and video conferencing. 

You can choose the counselor you want to work with, and you can change counselors at any time. BetterHelp is more affordable than traditional therapy, and it is covered by many insurance plans. If you are struggling with your mental health, BetterHelp can provide the support you need to find healing and hope.

What Is Calmerry?

Calmerry is an online mental health service that offers cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), counseling, and coaching. CBT is a form of therapy that helps people to change negative thoughts and behaviors. Counseling is a type of therapy that focuses on helping people to resolve personal issues. Coaching is a type of therapy that helps people to set and achieve goals. 

Calmerry offers all three of these services in one convenient online platform. You can choose to work with a therapist, counselor, or coach who specializes in your specific needs. You can also schedule sessions at times that fit your busy lifestyle. Whether you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, or stress, Calmerry can help you to feel better and reach your goals.


DepressionAnger Management
StressAnxiety and Stress
AnxietyChildhood Abuse
Self-esteemChronic Illness
RelationshipsEating Disorders
GriefEmotional Abuse
Eating DisorderFamily Conflict
Mental HealthGrief and Trauma
Borderline Personality DisorderPTSD

These lists aren’t exhaustive, as they’re both taken from each service’s respective website. If you need help for just about anything, you would likely be able to find it from either one, whether you’re single, married, seeking couples counseling, a teenager looking for help, or a member of the LGBTQ+ community. 


When it comes to mental health services, pricing is an important consideration. For many people, the cost of therapy can be a barrier to seeking help. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to make mental health services more affordable, and online therapy is growing in popularity. Unfortunately, services from both BetterHelp and Calmerry are not covered by any insurance company. However, they are both extremely affordable when compared to traditional mental health services. 

Calmerry Pricing

Calmerry is priced exceptionally well for the services you are getting. Mental health services can be expensive, especially if you are paying out of pocket. Traditional therapy can cost hundreds of dollars per session, and many people cannot afford to pay that kind of money. Even if you have insurance, your coverage may not be enough to cover the cost of therapy. 

Calmerry is extremely affordable when compared to traditional therapy. For just $227.96 a month ($56.99 per week), you can access almost all of the services that Calmerry has to offer. For the whole package, you pay $349.96 per month, which is still less than what you would pay for traditional therapy, which averages around $100 to $200 per session. Plus, there are no contracts or commitments, so you can cancel your membership at any time. 

If you are looking for affordable subscription-style mental health services, Calmerry is a great option. 

BetterHelp Pricing

BetterHelp is a more affordable option for therapy than traditional mental health services. Traditional therapy can cost hundreds of dollars per session, while BetterHelp offers affordable pricing ranging between $60 to $90 per session. Plus, there are no contracts or commitments, so you can cancel your membership at any time. This makes BetterHelp a great option for people who are looking for affordable mental health services. What’s more is BetterHelp’s option for income-based (or sliding-scale) pricing, which makes it even more accessible. 

Therapist Credibility

Calmerry’s Credibility

All of the therapists on Calmerry are licensed and credentialed. This means that they have met all of the requirements to be a therapist in their state. To become a therapist, you must complete a master’s degree in counseling, pass a state-issued exam, and complete a certain number of hours of clinical experience. 

BetterHelp’s Credibility

When it comes to finding a credible therapist, BetterHelp is a great option. All of their therapists are licensed and have many years of experience. Also, each therapist must complete an extensive training program. In addition, BetterHelp requires that its therapists adhere to strict ethical standards. As a result, you can be confident that you are working with a qualified professional who will always have your best interests at heart. 

In addition, BetterHelp offers a wide range of services, so you can find the right therapist for your needs. If you’re not happy with your current therapist, you can easily switch to another one. With so many benefits, it’s no wonder that BetterHelp is one of the most popular online therapy providers.

Calmerry’s User Interface 

Calmerry’s user interface is easy to navigate, and you can switch from desktop to mobile with no problems, making it a good option for almost anyone looking for an affordable therapy service. The home page has a simple menu with options, much as you would find on almost any website. You can create an account by clicking on ‘Get Started.’ 

Once you’ve created an account, you will be asked a series of questions, and Calmerry will automatically match you with a therapist. From there, you can schedule an appointment, and you’re off to the races. 

BetterHelp‘s User Interface 

When it comes to online therapy, one of the most important things is finding a platform that is easy to use and navigate. You don’t want to be spending all your time trying to figure out how to message your therapist or how to find the right resources. Like Calmerry, BetterHelp’s user interface is easy to use. 

You can switch between desktop and mobile, and you can quickly get started by answering some questions about your situation. You might also appreciate that you’re given the option to chat with a therapist before being matched, so you can make sure that you’re comfortable with the person you’re talking to. Overall, the experience is very user-friendly and straightforward, which is essential when it comes to online therapy.

BetterHelp and Calmerry Security 

When it comes to security for your personal information and data, both platforms are arguably the safest, utilizing 256-bit banking-level encryption, adhering to strict HIPAA standards, as well as the APA’s Record Keeping Guidelines and Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Security is a concern for most, but you need not worry when using either of these sites. You don’t even have to use your real name! 

Calmerry’s Registration Process

Calmerry’s registration process is very simple and straightforward. All you need to do is provide your email address and create a password. Once you have registered, you will be asked questions about your symptoms and what you are looking for in therapy. After you have completed the questionnaire, you will be matched with a therapist who suits your needs.

BetterHelp’s Registration Process

BetterHelp’s registration process is a bit more involved than Calmerry’s. In addition to providing your email address and creating a password, you will also need to provide your name, date of birth, gender, and country of residence. You will also be asked to complete a questionnaire about your symptoms and what you are looking for in therapy. 

Once you have completed the questionnaire, you will be matched with a therapist who suits your needs. If you feel unsatisfied with your therapist’s match, BetterHelp will provide alternate options. 

How Do BetterHelp and Calmerry Compare?

Overall, BetterHelp and Calmerry are very similar. Both services offer a simple and straightforward registration process, both services match you with a therapist who suits your needs, and both services offer a satisfaction guarantee. However, there are some key differences between the two services. First, BetterHelp is more expensive than Calmerry, but they offer income-based pricing for those who qualify. 

So if the price is your biggest concern, BetterHelp may be a better choice. Second, BetterHelp offers a wider range of therapy options than Calmerry, including couple’s counseling and LGBTQ+ specific counseling services. 

Income-Based Prices✔️
Wide Variety of Specialties✔️✔️
Credible Therapists✔️✔️
Easy to Use✔️✔️
Easy to Sign up✔️✔️
Free Trial✔️
Text-Only Option✔️
Couples Therapy✔️

Does Either Platform Offer a Free Trial?

Calmerry does not offer a free trial. Their website states that “Generally, we don’t have free trials. However, we do our best to make our prices affordable for clients.” So if you were hoping to try out Calmerry for free, you might be disappointed. 

BetterHelp, on the other hand, does offer a free trial, which includes the first month for free. The plan automatically renews at the end of the month, so you will need to provide payment information when signing up, but you can still cancel at any time. 

Which One Is Better for You?

The best way to decide which service is better for you is to sign up for a free trial with each one and see which one you like better. BetterHelp offers a free trial with no obligation to continue, so if you decide it’s not for you, you can cancel at any time. Calmerry does not offer a free trial, but its prices are very affordable. 

Ultimately, the choice is yours, and one site may suit your specific needs over the other. If you are a couple looking for counseling, BetterHelp will be the better option. However, if you are an individual in search of a therapist and don’t qualify for BetterHelp’s income-based plan, then Calmerry will likely be the better option. If you prefer not to meet in a live session with a therapist, Calmerry also offers text-only therapy, which BetterHelp does not. 

Both BetterHelp and Calmerry have their pros and cons, so it really depends on what you’re looking for in an online therapy experience. In any case, you won’t know for sure which one you prefer best until you give them a try. 

Can You Schedule Individual Sessions?

Unfortunately, you cannot schedule individual sessions on Calmerry. Since it’s a monthly subscription, you don’t have this option. However, you can choose to have text-only sessions, which is a unique feature that Calmerry offers. You do have the option to schedule individual sessions with your therapist on BetterHelp, and they can range from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on your specific needs. 

This can be worked out with your therapist ahead of time, making it even more flexible in some ways. The way to benefit from therapy isn’t cut and dry. Every person is different, so figuring out how often you need to meet with your therapist is a huge benefit to BetterHelp, but not everyone wants to meet with a therapist, so Calmerry’s text-only option is a feature many might benefit from BetterHelp. 

Do BetterHelp and Calmerry Therapists Specialize in Any Specific Areas?

Yes, both BetterHelp and Calmerry therapists can specialize in specific areas. On Calmerry, you can choose from a list of specialties when you sign up, which include: anxiety, depression, relationship issues, trauma, and more. 

You can also specify if you want a male or female therapist. BetterHelp also offers a wide range of specialties to choose from when you sign up for their service. You can select depression, anxiety, relationship issues, trauma, and more.

You can also filter your search by gender, language, religion, spirituality, and more. So on both sites, there really is something for just about everyone. Not everyone—because online therapy simply isn’t the best option for some.


All in all, both BetterHelp and Calmerry have their pros and cons. If you’re looking for an affordable option with no face-to-face commitment, then Calmerry is the way to go. However, if you want more flexibility and the ability to schedule individual sessions with your therapist, BetterHelp will probably be a better fit. All in all, your therapy should be what you need, and you won’t find it until you give one or the other a try!


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